Hong Kong
Hong Kong
1000Total Bids
ETO | Ethylene Oxide |
ETO | European Theater Of Operations |
ETO | Engineer-To-Order |
ETO | Evapotranspiration |
ETO | English Touring Opera (UK) |
ETO | Eco Transfer Object |
ETO | Engineering to Order |
ETO | Extended Text Out |
ETO | Etoposide |
ETO | Efforts to Outcomes (Social Solutions software/services) |
ETO | Endorsed Training Organisation |
ETO | Earth To Orbit |
ETO | Early Termination Option |
ETO | European Telework Online (telecommuting) |
ETO | Economic, Technical or Organisational (employment law; UK) |
ETO | Earned Time Off |
ETO | European Telecommunications Office |
ETO | Engineering-To-Order |
ETO | Exercise and Training Officer (US FEMA) |
ETO | Economic Trade Office (various locations) |
ETO | Electronic Trading Opportunities |
ETO | Exchange Traded Option (finance) |
ETO | Electronics Technology Office (DARPA) |
ETO | Extended Terminal Option (IBM - IMS software) |
ETO | Energy Trust of Oregon, Inc (Portland, OR) |
ETO | Effects Tasking Order |
ETO | Exchange Tender Offer (Eurotunnel) |
ETO | Estimated Take-Off |
ETO | Ergenekon Terör Örgütü (Turkish: Ergenekon Terror Organization) |
ETO | Earth Traverse Outfitters (Knoxville, TN) |
ETO | Electronic Trial Operations (biotechnology) |
ETO | Extended Trochanteric Osteotomy (surgical operation) |
ETO | Eustachian Tube Obstruction |
ETO | Estimated Time of Overflight (air traffic management) |
ETO | Enterprise Technology Organization |
ETO | Excise & Taxation Officer (Pakistan) |
ETO | Emergency Treatment Order |
ETO | Equity Take Out (mortgages) |
ETO | Extended Time Observation |
ETO | Electrical Technical Officer (engineering) |
ETO | Engineering Technology Office |
ETO | Electrical-Thermal-Optical |
ETO | Expeditionary Theater Opening (US Department of Defense) |
ETO | Extended Technical Objective |
ETO | Estimated Time in Operation (aviation) |
ETO | Expiration Term of Obligation |
ETO | Express Transportation Order |
ETO | Evasion Tactics Order |
ETO | Échocardiographie Ttransoesophagienne (French: Transesophageal Echocardiography) |
ETO | Elite Tactical Operations (gaming clan) |
Domain Name Commencement Date: 28-11-2009
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