
Domain Detail

Hong Kong

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Domain Details

BWS    Board of Water Supply (Honolulu, Hawaii)
BWS    Black Wall Street (Hip-Hop record label)
BWS    Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
BWS    Block Windowing Scheduling
BWS    Broadband Wireless Solutions
BWS    Bloglines Web Services
BWS    Bandwidth Scheduler
BWS    Broadband Wireless System
BWS    Busy Write Set
BWS    Bandwidth Service
BWS    Battered Woman Syndrome
BWS    Breaking the Wall of Silence (Namibia)
BWS    Beer, Wine and Spirits (UK retailing)
BWS    Blue Water Sailing (magazine)
BWS    Broadcasting Web Site
BWS    Bridge World Standard
BWS    Burnt Weeny Sandwich (Frank Zappa album)
BWS    Border Worlds Ship
BWS    Bergwacht Schwarzwald (German: Black Mountain; rescue organization)
BWS    Beached Whale Syndrome
BWS    Boiling Water Shrinkage (textiles)
BWS    Base Weather Station
BWS    Broadband Wireless Services (Sprint)
BWS    Baraitser-Winter Syndrome
BWS    Boiler, Water Supply
BWS    Building Wiring Standard
BWS    Beating Wall Street, Inc
BWS    Boise-Winnemucca Stages, Inc.
BWS    Brain Wave Synchronizers
BWS    Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary
BWS    Buchungszentrale der Westf.-Lipp. Sparkassen GmbH (German bank)
BWS    Body-Worn System
BWS    Bordeaux Wine Stars (Bordeaux, France)
BWS    Bridge Workstation Subsystem

Seller's note

Domain Name Commencement Date: 28-11-2009


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Hong Kong

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