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Hong Kong

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Professional Person finacial Management 個人財務管理
phoenix Perl Magazine  雜誌
PPM    Parts Per Million
PPM    Pages Per Minute
PPM    Pay Per Minute
PPM    Pounds (Mass) Per Minute
PPM    Project Portfolio Management
PPM    Public Policy and Management
PPM    Product Portfolio Management
PPM    Price Per Month
PPM    Principles of Project Management (course)
PPM    Programme and Project Management (various organizations)
PPM    Planning and Performance Management (various organizations)
PPM    Project and Program Management (Army Corps of Engineers)
PPM    Private Placement Memorandum (finance/venture capital)
PPM    Personnel Policy Manual (various organizations)
PPM    Please Please Me (Beatles album)
PPM    Practical Pain Management
PPM    Points Per Minute
PPM    Pulse-Position Modulation
PPM    Public-Private Mix (healthcare)
PPM    Pulses Per Minute
PPM    Project Performance Management
PPM    Program Planning and Management
PPM    Perl Package Manager
PPM    Plans Preparation Manual (various locations)
PPM    Processor Power Management (computing)
PPM    Project Procurement Manager (various companies)
PPM    Planned Preventive Maintenance
PPM    Portable People Meter (Arbitron Inc. audience measurement system)
PPM    Pemberantasan Penyakit Menular (Indonesian: Communicable Disease)
PPM    Programme and Project Management
PPM    Pulse per Minute
PPM    Peak Program Meter
PPM    Packages per Minute
PPM    Parent Partition Mapping
PPM    Pulse Position Modulation
PPM    Plasma Panel Monitor
PPM    Passport Program Manager
PPM    Programmer'S Package Manager
PPM    Periodic Preventive Maintenance
PPM    Process Performance Manager (ARIS)
PPM    Points per Match (various sports)
PPM    Portable Pixel Map
PPM    Post Program Monitoring (International Monetary Fund)
PPM    Piecewise Parabolic Method
PPM    Physician Practice Management
PPM    Personal People Meter (electronic audience-ratings device)
PPM    Prediction by Partial Matching
PPM    Product Process Management
PPM    Pence Per Minute
PPM    Process Performance Measure
PPM    People's Progressive Movement
PPM    Peter, Paul, & Mary
PPM    Permanent Pacemaker
PPM    Personally Procured Move
PPM    Project Progress Meeting
PPM    Periodic Permanent Magnet
PPM    Positive Performance Management
PPM    Packages Per Minute (packaging machinery specifications)
PPM    Preproduction Model
PPM    Peak Program Meter (ITU-T)
PPM    Precision Parts Manufacturing (Canadian-based Hungarian company)
PPM    Preplanning Meeting
PPM    Policy & Procedure Manual
PPM    Partido Popular Monárquico
PPM    Portfolio Product Manager (various companies)
PPM    Project Planning Matrix
PPM    Purchase Price Multiple (mergers and acquisitions)
PPM    Proactive Preventive Maintenance
PPM    Point Projection Microscope
PPM    Pollution Prevention Manager
PPM    Power Policy Manager (computing)
PPM    Presidential Pet Museum (Annapolis, MD)
PPM    Harlequin Print Production Manager (software)
PPM    Postings Per Month (USENET)
PPM    Professional Photographers of Michigan
PPM    Positive Psychology Movement
PPM    Periodic Pulse Metering
PPM    Paces Per Minute (cardiology)
PPM    Plate Pressing Machine
PPM    Premier Portfolio Managers (UK)
PPM    Path Probability Method
PPM    Principle Period of Maintenance
PPM    Pervasive Performance Management
PPM    Performance Prediction Model
PPM    Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia
PPM    Pre-Assembled Power Module (wind turbines)
PPM    Pollution and Process Monitoring Ltd (UK)
PPM    Pasadena Pro Musica (singing group)
PPM    Partial Program Manager
PPM    Production or Processing Method (environment)
PPM    Progressive Phase Maintenance
PPM    Part per Minute
PPM    Paramus Park Mall (Paramus, New Jersey)
PPM    Packet Processor Module
PPM    Partie Progressive de la Martinique (French: Martinique Progressive Party)
PPM    Pulsaciones Por Minutos (Spanish: Pulses Per Minute)
PPM    Personal Profile Manager (database; Avaya)
PPM    People Power Movement (Philippines)
PPM    Pikapokemaster
PPM    Primary Propulsion Manager
PPM    Period of Performance and Maintenance
PPM    Pump Performance Monitoring (Lucent)
PPM    Personnel & Property Manager
PPM    Promina Processor Module
PPM    Pilot Production Model
PPM    Procurement Policy Memorandum
PPM    Prediction by Pattern Matching
PPM    Presentation and Personalization Management
PPM    Port Power Supply Module (Telabs)
PPM    Pencil Marks in Margin (philatelic imperfection)
PPM    Planar Periodic Metallization
PPM    Product Process Model (SAP)
PPM    Propulsion Plant Manual
PPM    PIM PAM Management
PPM    Pilot Performance Measurement
PPM    Program Progress Meeting

Seller's note

Domain Name Commencement Date: 28-11-2009


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Hong Kong

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