
Domain Detail

Hong Kong

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Domain Details

Take Out Easy, 外賣平台,

TOE    Target of Evaluation
TOE    Team of Experts
TOE    TCO (Transmission Control Protocol) Offload Engine
TOE    Theory of Everything
TOE    Theory of Evolution
TOE    The Ottoman Empire
TOE    Termination of Employment (various meanings)
TOE    Transfer of Equity (finance)
TOE    Through Other Eyes (UK)
TOE    TCP/IP Offload Engine
TOE    Table of Elements
TOE    Output Enable Time
TOE    Tcp Offload Engine
TOE    Time over Ethernet
TOE    Test Output Enable
TOE    Table of Entry
TOE    Tcp over Ethernet
TOE    Tales of Eternia (game)
TOE    Term of Enlistment
TOE    Transesophageal Echocardiogram
TOE    Tonne of Oil Equivalent
TOE    Telephone Outage Emergency (Emergency Alert System Code)
TOE    Total Ownership Experience
TOE    Time of Event
TOE    Table of Organization & Equipment
TOE    Total Operating Expense(s)
TOE    Task, Object, Event (computer programming)
TOE    Threaded One End
TOE    Timeout Entry
TOE    Test of Effectiveness (Sarbanes-Oxley compliance)
TOE    Target Operating Environment
TOE    Timing-Offset Estimation
TOE    Trial of Entrance (gaming clan recruitment)
TOE    Troops, Organization & Equipment
TOE    Time Operating Efficiency
TOE    Tri Ocean Engineering
TOE    Training on Errors (machine learning)
TOE    Technical Operations Expert

Seller's note

Domain Name Commencement Date: 28-11-2009


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Hong Kong

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