
Domain Detail

Hong Kong

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Domain Details,   Recreation center in Hong Kong
CORE    Congress Of Racial Equality
CORE    Central Operation of Resources for Educators (NASA)
CORE    Center for Operations Research and Econometrics
CORE    Conflict Resolution (US Department of the Interior)
CORE    Configuration Resource
CORE    Council Of Registrars
CORE    Council On Rehabilitation Education
CORE    Center for Organizational Excellence (various locations)
CORE    Core Objects Reused Everywhere
CORE    Communications Research
CORE    Computing Resource
CORE    Connection Oriented Routing Environment
CORE    Council of Internet Registrars
CORE    Community Oriented Realtime Engineering
CORE    Compatible Resource
CORE    Controlled Requirement
CORE    Contingency Response
CORE    Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare)
CORE    Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (representing U.S. oceanographic research institutions)
CORE    Comment on Reproductive Ethics (British)
CORE    Consortium on Reading Excellence
CORE    Connected Organizations for a Responsible Economy
CORE    Collaborations and Resources Group
CORE    Centre for OSCE Research
CORE    Corporate Responsibility Coalition (UK)
CORE    Common Redpoll (bird species common name)
CORE    Center for Organ Recovery and Education
CORE    Composite Object Reference
CORE    Comprehensive Online Research Education (Purdue University)
CORE    Common Runtime Environment
CORE    Centre for Organisation Research and Education (India)
CORE    Centers for Obesity Research and Education
CORE    Collaborative Reputation (security mechanism)
CORE    Co-Ownership of Real Estate
CORE    Corporate Responsibility Bill (UK)
CORE    Citizens of Oakland Respond to Emergencies (Oakland, CA)
CORE    Cosmic Orgone Engineering
CORE    Comprehensive Risk Evaluation
CORE    Center for Oceanic Research and Education
CORE    Challenge Of Reverse Engineering
CORE    Coker and Refinery Expansion (Wood River Refinery; Roxana, IL; ConocoPhillips)
CORE    Centre of Rehabilitation Engineering (UK)
CORE    Committee Organizing Rape Education
CORE    Conservation of Resources through Enterprise
CORE    Component Runtime Environment
CORE    Contingency Response Program
CORE    Controlled Requirement Expression (software)
CORE    Contingency Response Element (MTMC)
CORE    Creating Opportunities and Resources for Educators
CORE    Community Options for Rural Elders (Act of 2005)
CORE    Community Online Resource Exchange
CORE    Centre Oecuménique de Rencontres Européennes
CORE    Common Operational Research Equipment (NASA)
CORE    Capistrano Objectives for Reaching Excellence
CORE    Conventional Operational Readiness Exercise
CORE    Centralized Online Real-Time Exchange (banking)
CORE    Cost Oriented Resource Estimating
CORE    Center on Renewable Energy
CORE    Community of Roleplayers, Europa (gaming group)
CORE    Catalog of Research Expertise (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
CORE    Cadre Of Response Employees (FEMA)
CORE    Coastal Redwoods Environmental School
CORE    Competent on Resist-A-Ball Education
CORE    Comparative Oncology Resource Exchange (Cornell University)
CORE    Content Online Resource Enterprise (US Army)
CORE    Chief Of Receive Element (formerly CORL)
CORE    Center for Operations Research and Engineering
CORE    Corrected Overall Reference Equivalent (ITU-T)
CORE    Community of Removal Experts (spyware removal)
CORE    Connection Oriented Route Establishment
CORE    Central Office Recovery Express (AT&T)
CORE    Children of Reentry (Community Services Initiative; North Carolina)
CORE    Central Office for Resources in Education
CORE    Continuous Observation & Risk Evaluation

Seller's note

Domain Name Commencement Date: 05-12-2009


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Hong Kong

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